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8 best foods to feed your baby

Introducing solid foods to your baby's diet for the first time can be very tricky especially when you are a first time parent.Most mothers do not know how to begin hence they end up feeding their babies with breast milk only even up to one doesn't have to be that way, that is why I have put together a list of recommended foods that are best for your baby.

Here are 8 best foods you can feed your baby from as early as six months.As always do not  use this article to replace professional medical advice ,if you have a history of allergies in your family please consult your doctor before introducing some of the foods listed ;

1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the most recommended first foods for your baby .The taste is so much appealing to babies and can be served with or without any additions .They have great benefits as they contain vitamin c,minerals and iron.
Best served as a puree mixed with chicken.


Yogurt has a lot of health benefits for the development of your child.It contains vitamin d which is necessary for strong bones and teeth.Plain whole milk yogurt is the best .You can mix it with avocado .


Also recommended as one the first foods your baby should have when time for solids comes.Meat is a great source of protein for the growth of your baby .It also contains essential elements like zinc and iron.Chicken and turkey are great choices .


Bananas have a very good taste and flavor that is appealing to babies.Great source of potassium ,vitamin b6,vitamin c,calcium and iron.Bananas are very good for strengthening teeth and bones.They provide good amounts of carbs for energy .One great advantage of bananas is that they are very easy to turn into puree.


Traditionally eggs were recommended for babies over one year but this has since changed ,you can start eggs at an early stage of six months .Eggs provide protein which is essential for growth.Eggs provide essential elements for brain development..However you need to hold back a bit if there is a history of allergies in your family.First consult with your health care providers.


Cheese provides a lot of calcium which is good for stronger bones .Cut into small cubes and serve to babies eight months and above.Swiss cheese is a good choice here 


Oranges contain vitamin c which helps in the making of collagen that is found in the muscles and joints .Oranges and other citrus friuts are recommended for babies one year and above though.

8.Butternut Squash

The taste of butternut is very appealing to little kids .It is a very good source of omega 3,vitamin c,potassium,fibre.All these are good for your baby's health.You can make it into puree and mix with chicken or turkey.


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